Our projects

With more than 100 projects executed since our inception, the UN Advisory Alliance is well-experienced across a wide range of comprehensive services. With our partners, we identify challenge areas and co-create projects to improve operational efficiency and align strategy with action.

See below for recent project updates from the UN Advisory Alliance. 

A UNAA Staff member speaks to a WFP country director.
International Organization for Migration (IOM)

Organizational structure review

UNAA assisted IOM in conducting an organizational review of their HQ structure. UNAA launched two large surveys, held more than 50 interviews and led several workshops and focus groups in the field to capture feedback across the IOM system. UNAA has enabled IOM to blend internal expertise with external best practices to design an optimal organizational structure. This will serve as the basis for an RO Configuration review in 2024.

A man adds a sticky note to a flipchart of sticky notes
United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA)

Strengthening country office support

UNAA assisted UNFPA in conducting a review to enhance its service delivery model to strengthen country office support. This involved identifying areas that would gain from a closer presence to country operations. Factors of effectiveness (e.g., closer time zone or geographic proximity) and efficiency (e.g., time, travel, office space, HR cost, and coordination with other UN Agencies) were considered.

Colleagues gather around a white board during a meeting
WFP/Nadine Stegemann
United Nations Mine Action Service (UNMAS)

Performance monitoring framework and preparation support

UNAA supported UNMAS in developing a performance monitoring framework. This involved assessing current practices, analyzing data insights, incorporating improved methods, reviewing findings from selected interviews, and addressing internal needs. As a result, UNMAS will be able to evaluate different delivery models and course-correct ongoing programs.

Staff members work at their laptops.
WFP/Nadine Stegemann
World Health Organization (WHO)

UN reform: Support validation of business operating strategy

UNAA supported WHO in advancing the Secretary General's efficiency agenda, specifically focusing on the Business Operations Strategy (BOS) target. Collaborating with country office focal points, UNAA reviewed BOS submissions to ensure the accuracy, reliability, relevance and comprehensiveness of BOS efficiency gain estimates. This enabled WHO to confidently report the benefits of BOS to Senior Management.

Man talking on a meeting
WFP/Emanuel Feruzi
UN Women in Europe and Central Asia

Functional review

UNAA collaborated with the UN Women Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia to review its operations and capacities at both the regional and field levels. UNAA conducted an in-depth analysis leading to recommendations to optimize the resource allocation in the region and to streamline operational capacities. As a result, the regional office will be better equipped to effectively support operations and programmatic work in the field.

Clients who have trusted the UNAA