Collaborative Network
WFP/Paul Guenther

The UN Advisory Alliance seeks to support UN Agencies to envision their future and transform strategy into action, focusing on tangible results, efficiency and simplification.

We offer end-to-end solutions for senior executives across the UN system to overcome their largest organizational challenges.

Our objectives


Share best practices for transformation across the UN


Connect with peers and experts to leverage professional experience and lessons learned


Identify collaboration opportunities between different agencies and to test prototypes/new solutions

Case studies

Develop case studies to share with member states.

© WFP/Emanuel Feruzi
WFP Innovation Accelerator

With more than 60 top-tier management consultants on its team, the UN Advisory Alliance:

  • executes projects on behalf of senior executives across the UN system, and
  • offers end-to-end solutions for UN agencies seeking to modernize and align strategy with action.

The UN Advisory Alliance collaborates with UN entities to conduct and implement problem assessments, data analysis, operating model designs and change management plans, implementation and monitoring.
To date, the UNAA have successfully implemented more than 100 projects across several UN entities. 

Clients who have trusted the UNAA